Thursday, December 21, 2006

Bloggers attack fake Sony blog

The blogging community is in outrage over the fake Sony blog, pretending to be set up by two teenagers wanting PSP’s for Christmas.

It shamelessly plugs the product and all the features, all the while trying to achieve a juvenile feel.

According to Cherryflava, Spoofers have now climbed all over the thing, and plan to work the Japanese gadget maker over for their poor judgment.

Check it out

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How to Throw a Keg Party

So you’re home for the holidays.

It’s the perfect time to start planning your first keg party of the new year!

Never attempted this daunting task? Don’t fear! Here’s all you need to know on

How to Throw a Keg Party

Click here!

Monday, December 18, 2006

How To: Cure A Hangover

While other people are beating off old ladies in a xmas shopping frenzy, you’ve got your own problems to worry about….

A banging, splitting headache courtesy of those last 7 tequilas you downed even thought you knew you were going to pay the next morning.

In aid of this terrible time in any young person’s life, the kind people at have provided a guide.

How To: Cure A Hangover.

Before going to bed after drinking ad nauseam , there are ways for you to prevent the symptoms of a hangover, besides not drinking in the first place.

Quality h20

Drinking a lot of water before going to bed is an effective way of preventing the symptoms of dehydration experienced the morning after. Water before bed will also help wash out your system from the alcohol.
Drinking water between drinks is also a great way to prevent the ailing morning-after effects.

Crunch and munch

To help avoid a hangover, try to eat or snack before or while drinking.

Now if these suggestions didn't work or if you didn't follow these tips, here's how to handle the morning-after hangover:


The symptoms you're feeling post-drinking are signs of dehydration caused by the alcohol. That's why you must rehydrate yourself by drinking a lot of water when you get up.

Rehydrating your body is the key to recovering from the hangover, and this cannot be stressed enough. You can even put some lemon in your water, it'll help soothe your stomach and will add vitamin C.

When drinking water, avoid water that is extremely cold or hot; drink water at room temperature.


Even though you're extremely tired and a cup of coffee seems like the best way to wake you up, try to stay away from it.

Caffeine will only dehydrate you more, and since it's also a diuretic, it will not help your stomach. Milk and other dairy products are also not a good idea; they may make you feel more queasy.

Ginger ale

If you don't want to drink water, try a glass of flat ginger ale, which helps soothe your stomach.


Juice is also a good idea; vitamin C will help give you the energy you'll need.
obey your thirst

Sports drinks such as Gatorade have been known to work for some people.

Feels like honey

Have some tablespoons of plain honey, or add some honey to your water or cup of tea. It'll help soothe the dryness in your throat.

Make a toast

After drinking to just about every toast that could be made the night before, some slices of plain toast could be a good idea - avoid putting jam or butter on them.

Fruity fixes

Eating some fruit is also a good idea. It'll be refreshing and give you the vitamins and energy you'll need to replenish your body.

If you're not having fruit or drinking juice, take vitamin C or another type of multivitamin.


Have an over-the-counter painkiller such as aspirin or ibuprofen, to help ease the headache. Do Not have acetaminophen-based pills; these can be dangerous when mixed with the alcohol in your system. Take the pills in the morning, not before going to bed when the alcohol is still prominent in your system.


Either sleep in, or wake up and take any of the above-mentioned measures and go back to bed. This is assuming, of course, that you have the luxury of sleeping in for that particular day.

Wash cloth

Another effective way to alleviate the pain is to lie in a dark room, with a cool compress on your head.

Remember that these are all ways to alleviate the symptoms usually associated with a hangover. If there seems to be a more serious problem as a result of alcohol consumption, go to a doctor.

These are things that have been known to help treat that dreaded feeling that comes after a night of drinking and partying. They all work differently for everyone, and you may discover your own method to help you overcome a hangover.

Enjoy the night, know your limits, and if you have one drink too many, you may want to try these quick remedies so that you don't end up staring at ceramic all day long.

Friday, December 15, 2006

'Poker' the Most Searched Term on the Internet

Lycos just released its list of the top 50 Internet search terms for 2006, and the word ‘Poker’ topped the list.

Poker beat out stalwart search engine celebrities like Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton to nab the top spot. The big mover for the year was the term 'My Space', the white hot social networking site saw a 568% rise in searches on its name to finish in the # 2 spot.

The top ten most searched terms were 1) Poker 2) MySpace 3) RuneScape 4) Pamela Anderson 5) Paris Hilton 6) Pokemon 7) WWE 8) Golf 9) Spyware and 10) Britney Spears.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

What you're like when you're drunk...! Hilarious

The Department of Defense’s latest project to eradicate excessive drinking among young servicemen, focusing on binge drinking and the effects it has on family, friends, sex etc.

I found it quite entertaining, reading about the different stages of drunkeness like Drunkus Obnoxious, MotorSkills NotWorkMuch, Projectus Vomitus. I definitely recognize myself and friends’ behaviour after having way too many!

Not so sure if the campaign will work, but it’s very entertaining…

That Guy

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Special Christmas Warning: Don't drink and SMS!

Ever been unable to fight a desire to send flirty SMSs while drunk? You probably had a case of "intextication"...

Sending an SMS while under the influence can lead to major headaches, especially over the festive season when drinks flow freely.

Ask anyone who sent a racy SMS to a partner, which landed up on the cellphones of parents, or even in-laws.

In a survey by Virgin Mobile, 63% of cellphone users admit failing prey to this embarrassing form of "crossed lines".

And a whopping 72% say they have suffered from intextication.

About 33% of cellphone users have discovered the morning after that they sent an SMS to an ex, and 31% regret having aired their feelings via text messages.

Virgin Mobile reports its findings on intextication:
• 42% of men engage in festive flirting by sending a text message to someone they secretly fancy when they are drunk;
• Women are not so forward, with only 19% admitting to doing the same;
• 30% of women are struck by 'ex-texting' - sending a message to a former partner;
• 82% of 18-29-year-olds admit to sending saucy text messages whilst drunk;
• 4% of men admit to sending a text to the boss when drunk.

Don't be a victim this Christmas!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Beating impotence has never been this much fun!

Source: via CherryFlava

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Should Wii come with a safety warning?

Web sites report damage caused by the console's controller

SAN FRANCISCO - Nintendo Co. Ltd. has some cautionary advice for players of its Wii video game console: when waving the controller, use the wrist strap, keep your palms dry and, whatever you do, don’t let go.

Although the controller comes with a wrist strap, reports of damage caused by snapping straps have been cropping up on video game Web sites.

There is even one site,, dedicated to chronicling tales of Wii-related carnage. On Wednesday, the site’s damage toll included reports of 13 broken straps, 7 televisions and 2 laptop computers.

In an e-mail sent to Wii customers and posted on various Web sites Wednesday, Nintendo said extreme motion could snap the strap by causing players to lose their grip on the remote.

Copies of the e-mail were posted on sites such as, and a company spokesman confirmed it was authentic.

“Hold the remote securely and avoid excessive motion during game play. If your hands become moist, stop and dry your hands,” the company recommended.

Nintendo also cautioned players to stay at least 3 feet away from the TV and to make sure people and objects were safely outside their range of motion.

Last week, Nintendo America chief Reggie Fils-Aime told Reuters that many gamers were using big, sweeping motions where smaller ones would do.

“We literally have consumers letting go of the remote like you do a bowling ball. You can’t do that!” Fils-Aime said of a bowling game in its “Wii Sports” title.
Nintendo also gives tips on safe gameplay on its Web site, at

Source: Reuters via MSNBC

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

'Beer goggles' effect explained

I knew it! It’s all a big conspiracy to help ugly chicks get laid. And believe me, I’ve helped quite a few in my day….

"Scientists believe they have worked out a formula to calculate how "beer goggles" affect a drinker's vision.

The drink-fuelled phenomenon is said to transform supposedly "ugly" people into beauties - until the morning after.

Researchers at Manchester University say while beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder, the amount of alcohol consumed is not the only factor.

Additional factors include the level of light in the pub or club, the drinker's own eyesight and the room's smokiness. The distance between two people is also a factor.
They all add up to make the aesthetically-challenged more attractive, according to the formula."

Click here to check out the formula.

'Beer goggles' effect explained

I knew it! It’s all a big conspiracy to help ugly chicks get laid. And believe me, I’ve helped quite a few in my day….

"Scientists believe they have worked out a formula to calculate how "beer goggles" affect a drinker's vision.

The drink-fuelled phenomenon is said to transform supposedly "ugly" people into beauties - until the morning after.

Researchers at Manchester University say while beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder, the amount of alcohol consumed is not the only factor.

Additional factors include the level of light in the pub or club, the drinker's own eyesight and the room's smokiness. The distance between two people is also a factor.
They all add up to make the aesthetically-challenged more attractive, according to the formula."

Click here to check out the formula.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Comic book titles you’re not likely to see…

Friday, December 01, 2006

Get ready for action - The spray-on condom's here!

Just in time for World Aids Day…..

Berlin - German sex educators plan to launch a spray-on condom tailor-made for all sizes.

Jan Vinzenz Krause, from the Institute for Condom Consultancy, a Singen-based practice that offers advice on condom use, said the product aimed to help people enjoy better and safer sex lives.

"We're trying to develop the perfect condom for men that's suited to every size of penis," he said. "We're very serious."

Krause's team is developing a type of spray can into which the man inserts his penis first. At the push of a button, it is then coated in a rubber condom. "It works by spraying on latex from nozzles on all sides."

Krause added that the plan was to make the product ready for use in about five seconds.
- Reuters