Monday, March 19, 2007

Beware the one-arsed German belly dancer!

A German belly dancer who checked into hospital to have her thighs trimmed ended up with just one butt cheek after the plastic surgeon hoovered out her right buttock, Ananova reports.

Julia "Cleopatra" Meyer, 38, of Munich, said of her liposuction ordeal at the Berlin Charité hospital: "I had been unhappy with my saddlebags, the fat stored in the outer thigh area. Because of the local anaesthesia I did not realise what he was doing. When I saw afterwards that half of my bum was missing I almost fainted. It had been completely sucked away."

Unsurprisingly, the matter ended in court, where Meyer was awarded £12,000 damages against the unnamed private plastic surgeon. The court heard her career is dead and the poor woman "does not even dare to go to a swimming pool because she is ashamed of the way she looks".

A consultant at the Berlin Charité hospital chipped in his expert opinion, describing the arse reduction as a "grave error in treatment".

The Register

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Men: We’ve become the fat chick of society

More and more it seems that women are being depicted as the intelligent, all-knowing beings, minorities are being portrayed as the wise and stylish ones, and average Joes are, well, the morons of the operation. What's going on?

This excellent insight is courtesy of

People picket everything. If someone kills a rat in a movie, members of PETA will be outside ready to bark. If a TV ad depicts a woman as helpless, feminists worldwide will gather and boycott the product the ad is endorsing. If any visible minority is stereotyped, you know that the relevant community will take issue. And don't even get me started on what happens if you crack a gay joke -- but all this raises a question: Who defends heterosexual men when they are depicted as hormonal rejects?

Burping, farting, ignorant, and virtually useless; that's how the average man is depicted nowadays. Why? Well, that's easy: Because these men won't raise Cain about it. Advertisers put their money on the men because they're pretty sure that a lawsuit won't follow; we just don't get offended. But should we?

More and more it seems that women are being depicted as the intelligent, all-knowing beings, minorities are being portrayed as the wise and stylish ones, and average Joes are, well, the morons of the operation. What's going on?

Feel the sting
Why is it acceptable for guys to be portrayed as though they can't fend for themselves and need a woman to point out how useless they are? After all, stereotypes do stem from somewhere, so maybe most guys are virtually useless in certain aspects of their lives and need women to come in and rescue them. Yeah, right.

Granted, men have been running the corporate world since the dawn of time, but in matters of pop culture, guys are never depicted in the most glamorous fashion. In every TV commercial I see nowadays, men are controlled by either their cars, their hormones, their need for a brewski, their appetites or all of the above. Do we really have no depth to speak of? Oh wait, big breasts, 12 o'clock... I'm kidding.

Everywhere I turn, men are being belittled and no one is saying a word about it. Maybe we should start protesting every time a woman in a movie says that "all men are pigs" or that "men always think with the wrong head..." Those things just aren't true. But instead of tripping out, we just shrug our shoulders and move on. Well, I'm taking a stand, damn it.

As long as men aren't willing to draw up picket signs that say "Men aren't swine!" and walk in circles in front of movie debuts and corporate buildings, mass media will continue to portray us as though we're Neanderthals. To be clear, anyone can make fun of us because there's no harm in doing so.

You're so insensitive
There are commercials that show women fantasizing about their perfect man, when in reality they're boyfriends are fat couch potatoes. But let's say we turned the tables and showed a commercial where there was a fat woman whose boyfriend was imagining that she was perfect? Man, I could just imagine the drama. It would be the hot topic on Entertainment Tonight and you'd have Rosie O'Donnell speaking out about the injustices against big women.

Would fat guys start tripping on a company because they depicted them as undesirable? No, they face the facts and don't cry out to anyone who will give them airtime. They suck in their guts (as best they can) and take it on the chins. Why? Because they're men -- they're not going to get all "girlie" about it.

It seems that the media has to walk on eggshells when it comes to hurting women's feelings, taking a stab at a gay guy or worse, mimicking stereotypes regarding any minority. But when it comes to men, hey, that's fair play -- take your best shot, it's a free-for-all.

oh my god, that's me
So perhaps I'm contradicting myself right now considering that I'm complaining about the way men are depicted through the media, but perhaps I can open a door that will either make the media more sensitive toward men (which is not my intended goal) or rather, encourage everyone else that walks this planet to chill out and stop taking everything so damn personally (bingo!).

Yes, blond, surgically-enhanced women are typically represented as ditzy, but that's because they usually use their looks and not their brains to get what they want; homosexual men are portrayed as fashionable because the majority of them dress like stars; and members of the black community are shown rapping or playing basketball because they dominate those industries. There's no need to get all emotional about it.

Now that I've brought this issue to your attention, I'm sure you'll start watching TV, movies and advertisements differently. And although I recommend bringing it to people's attention, please don't gather up your buddies and have a bitch-fest in front of NBC. Then again, maybe we should start mocking all these "sensitive" people.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Better to be the Bully in Poker

Found this nice article on how to play aggressively to get ahead in online Texas Hold’em.

If you are an online poker player you will find out that aggression usually does well at the poker table. When you are playing Texas Holdem at online poker sites you must be prepared to bully and intimidate the poker table or you may find yourself on the other end of such tactics.

You must learn when playing online poker that intimidation is not being cocky, chatting away at the table, or being full of yourself. A true intimidator at a Texas holdem online poker table simply keeps his poker opponents constantly guessing by betting and constantly applying pressure. That is being a bully at the poker table and it usually works.

An online Texas Holdem poker player that is able to bully and intimidate his opponents into not playing their normal games will gain an immediate advantage and be an immediate force at the table. One of the most important things to remember when playing online Texas Holdem is that when a poker player is able to keep his opponents at the table guessing and unsure of themselves he is able to bully them around. He is dominating the minds of those players and will take their money.
Once you establish yourself at the online poker table as a bully you will get instant respect and you will find that opponents will bet their poker chips defensively and out of fear.

One thing to remember is that being a poker bully is different than a poker maniac. They may seem similar but they are not. A maniac will bet anything at anytime and make stupid decisions. The bully bets aggressively and intelligently. He doesn’t make bad decisions. Keep that foremost in your mind if you are looking at playing aggressive poker. It is one thing to bully the table and win chips, but quite another to just be a maniac and bet everything in sight. The bully will win chips in the long run. The maniac will eventually make a mistake and lose all of his chips as he runs into a bigger hand.

Intimidation is a big part of online poker. Some players are excellent poker bullies and know how to push a table around. It is a skill that can be learned. You can be the poker bully the next time you are playing online poker. Use intelligent aggression and don’t be afraid to exert your stack. Push the table around and win money. That is what online poker bullies do very successfully.

Source: Gambling911

Friday, March 09, 2007

Poker and Drugs – The Reality

Here is something that isn’t addressed all that often. Of course it’s a reality that drug abuse happens in the poker world. But it’s an interesting take on why poker players take drugs, and when it becomes a problem...

Courtesy of

Long before the game became a celebrated primetime event, poker was considered a vice and frowned upon by moralists. It was a game reserved for wiseguys in smoke-filled back rooms, drinking hard liquor, their mouths were replete with expletives. Today, there are penalties for using the F-word, smoking is banned in most poker rooms and the game has been taken up by many upstanding citizens of both sexes.

However, there are still vices everywhere we look. Booze is served free of charge at most poker games or tournaments, and poker rooms are strategically placed near sportsbooks or at the back of casinos where players face the temptation to wager on a game of chance. The streets of Las Vegas are filled with people who will hand you pictures of busty ladies who offer all sorts of personal services. Buffets feature a decadent array of all-you-can-eat, high-carb, high-cholesterol meals. And finally, many poker players consume volumes of over-the-counter, prescription or illicit drugs.

I’m not here to preach or condemn; rather, I’m here to review the issue of substance use and abuse among poker players, why we find this phenomenon in the poker world, what agents are most often used, and how they may affect the play of poker players. I don’t want to paint the picture as a clear black-and-white issue. All drugs, from cocaine to aspirin, have certain therapeutic benefits, along with clear risks associated with their use, and all drugs have the potential to be abused. It’s the ratio of good versus bad that determines the safety of a drug.
why do poker players take drugs?

To answer that, we need only answer the question of why we play poker to begin with -- we get a thrill out of it. Most of us are thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. We all remember the thrill we felt when we dragged our first big pot, made our first big score in a poker game or made the final table in a major tournament. It’s intoxicating and, in and of itself, addictive for many of us. From there, we are hooked and we strive to experience that sensation again.

Drugs may help a player, but the consequences are heavy too

Increase adrenaline
Drugs like cocaine, crystal methamphetamine and other stimulants affect adrenaline function in the body. I have never personally taken cocaine or crystal meth, but I imagine it simulates many of the feelings that I experience when I have a win of over $10,000 in a tournament. However, most poker players aren’t fortunate enough to be able to go out and win a tournament. In fact, most tournament players are lucky to win anything over 10% in the tournaments they enter, which require hours and sometimes days of play. For many, the easy shortcut is to take a hit of a stimulant that can artificially reproduce these highs.

Enhance performance

People also take certain drugs to enhance performance. Some people get nervous and use alcohol to calm their nerves. It hides their fears when they are running a bluff with a marginal hand. When I won my first tournament, I started my day at the final table with a double shot of bourbon because I was feeling tense. It made me feel calm and composed, and I went from the smallest stack at the table to the winner. There is no question that I got lucky, but it also gave me the swagger I needed to bully the table when it got shorthanded. TJ Cloutier described Bill Smith, the 1985 World Champion, as the greatest player in the world when he was slightly drunk. However, TJ also said he was about the worst player in the world if he drank beyond a certain point. So there is a balance. Alcohol can temporarily enhance your play, but there is also the danger of going overboard and then diminishing your faculties.

Improve endurance
Poker players may also use substances to improve their endurance or maintain their energy. Caffeine is still the most widely used drug for this purpose. It’s perfectly legal and offered right there in the casino. And it’s no longer limited to coffee and sodas; it’s a key ingredient in many energy drinks. There are also herbal derivatives like ginseng that are making their way into the milieu of stimulants and that are designed to heighten awareness and energy. Other stimulants are also employed for a more profound effect. There are drugs like Adderal, Ritalin and Phentermine, which are prescription drugs for ADD and weight loss, and amphetamines/stimulants that are widely used to keep players awake at the table, even though they are prescribed primarily for other purposes. Finally, there are players who use cocaine and crystal meth not to get high, but as a stimulant to stay up for many hours, if not days, of play.

Relieve depression
Poker players have also been known to turn to drugs for depression. Playing poker is a vocation or hobby that is filled with peaks and valleys. The highs can be pure ecstasy, but the lows can be completely earth-shattering. If depression is treated with the guidance and supervision of a physician, the result can be a positive and stabilizing influence. However, a lot of poker players prefer to save their money for the tables and resort to self-medication. This is when it becomes most dangerous. Cocaine stimulates the opposite of depression, euphoria, which makes it a potent antidepressant. The problem with cocaine is that it is too potent and creates a great high, but leaves the user terribly depressed once it wears off. This cycle increases the demand for that stimulation and ultimately leads to addiction
when is drug use good or bad?

The issue of whether a drug is useful or dangerous comes down to a margin of error. There is very little risk of harm to someone who takes a Tylenol to relieve a headache, even though taking an entire bottle will kill him in about 24 hours. There is much less margin for error with cocaine use. Yes, there is an immediate performance-enhancing component to its use as it increases alertness and allows you to play for days. It may also cover your depression for a few hours, but I would never recommend it as treatment. If you use cocaine, you’re likely to become addicted, lose your good judgment and have an early heart attack. The long-term destruction of lives simply fails to justify a small chance for the short-term benefits.

Finally, I offer another warning: When players get into using stimulants, they are often faced with insomnia. So they will use sedatives to counteract the effects of the stimulants. In medicine, we call that “chasing your tail.” In my own practice of medicine, I do prescribe some stimulants for some patients and sedatives for others, but I try never to prescribe both types of drugs to the same patients, because it creates a dangerous cycle.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Girl Gaming on the Rise

More and more girls are getting into gaming.

Good thing or not? Good, because if your girlfriend plays with you, you’ll be allowed to play more without any nagging or whining. Bad, because then you won’t have any “shut down and do boy stuff” time alone any more.

Tough call……

According to research, two-thirds of all guys aged 18 to 34 have access to a video-game console in their home and three out of four boys aged 2 to 11 played on a video-game console for at least a minute during fourth quarter.

But so did half of all teenage girls, according to the latest figures from Nielsen's "State of the Console" report.

Multimedia use
"Seeing the amount of reach gaming has in teenage girls and women 18-34 is pretty impressive," said Nick Covey, marketing analytics and development manager at Nielsen Gameplay Metrics, and author of the report. "Part of that might represent the increasingly multimedia use [of the gaming console]." As a sign the gaming console is beginning to be seen as more of an entertainment hub, the report said more than half of console owners consider their DVD-equipped gaming system to be a DVD player.

The increase in women gamers may also be coming from the growth of Nintendo's Wii console, which wasn't addressed specifically in the survey but will be in a coming one. Added Jeff Herrmann, who heads Nielsen's new video-game-measurement service, "we've seen quite a number of Wiis enter the market, it's consistent with what you hear in the press." For now, Nielsen is just measuring general gaming-console use. Later this year it will begin reporting use by game title and platform.

Aging audience
The gaming audience appears to be growing older as well. The median age of a console gamer was 17 for that quarter, compared to 16 for the year-ago period and 15 in third quarter of 2004.

Read more

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The weirdest deaths in history

Feeling a bit morbid today, so was quite pleased to rediscover this article on the weirdest deaths in history.

I’m not sure which is better, going out with a bang or just slipping away unnoticed. But I guess it doesn’t really matter, since we don’t really get to choose…

Here it is:

Death is the only thing none of us can avoid, but every now and then someone goes out with a bang. A real one.

Throughout history, many unlucky individuals have – often not by choice – shuffled off this mortal coil in the most amusing of ways.

While countless have died heroically for country or cause, others have gone out in a less than honourable fashion, often making the history books for entirely the wrong reasons.

Here are some of the weirdest ways people have died throughout history. And rest assured, these sudden demises will make Elvis’s death on the porcelain throne look positively elegant by comparison.

Fatal hilarity
Next time you crack up in uncontrollable fits of laughter, take some time to consider poor old Chrysippus, a Greek stoic philosopher who spent his last few moments on earth racked by hysterics.

After feeding his donkey wine, he watched the drunken beast attempt to consume wild figs, and found this sight to be so hilarious, he laughed himself – literally – to death.

It’s called fatal hilarity, and there have been at least two recorded cases in history. Death is usually brought about by asphyxiation or heart failure. In some of the cases, the victims have laughed throughout the night, and late into the next day. Talk about a killer punch-line.

Sometimes we put things in our mouths that we aren’t supposed to. And other times, we swallow these things. Basic rule of thumb – if it’s not food, don’t eat it.
Take Mr Sherwood Anderson, for example, who swallowed a toothpick at a dinner party in 1941. This fairly successful writer later developed a case of peritonitis and his life and career came to a grim and painful end.

Peritonitis is the inflammation of the serous membrane which lines the abdominal cavity, leading to infection, internal bleeding and a long and painful death. Mr Anderson, what have we learnt?

Blood poisoning
Greed has been said to be one of man’s greatest evils, and Mr Jack Daniels (yes, that Jack Daniels) learnt this lesson the hard way.

Mr Daniels’ rather embarrassing death is never shown on any of the patriotic advertisements, but rest assured if it were, there’d be a lot more ‘Walkers’ on the earth.

In 1911, Jack went up the proverbial hill and didn’t come back after kicking the living daylights out of his safe for which he couldn’t remember the combination (been swimming in the vats again, Jack?). He developed a rather juicy toe injury, and died of blood poisoning shortly afterwards.

Autoerotic asphyxiation
Many people would agree that dying during sex would be an excellent way to go – but what if it's while having sex with yourself? In 1994, the British Journalist and Conservative Party politician, Stephen Milligan, died as a result of autoerotic asphyxiation, or commonly known as ‘scarfing’.

This potentially fatal method of masturbation involves cutting off oxygen to the brain during the act, to experience heightened pleasure and a more intense orgasm. Death often occurs when the participant loses consciousness, and thus loses control over the strangling mechanism, which eventually kills them.

A freak accident
Every now and then, someone gets a really raw deal. Like Isadora Duncan for example, who some have dubbed the ‘Mother of Modern Dance’.

This talented young woman died in a freak accident in Nice, France, in 1926. She was known to wear long, flowing scarves that would often be seen fluttering behind her in the wind, but this time, the fluttering became fatal.

That day, her friend picked her up in his open-roofed car, and as they sped off, her scarf became lodged in the open spoke wheel of the vehicle, and wrapped itself around the axle. Isadora was yanked from her seat, and dragged for several metres behind the car before the driver realised what had happened. She died instantly from a broken neck.

Self-induced cannibalistic masochism
Inviting a friend over for dinner is one thing, but turning that same friend into the main course is a completely different sack of potatoes, especially when said friend enjoys the meal too.

Such was the case with Bernd-Jurgen Brandes, who posted an internet advertisement in 2001 stating that he was looking for someone with whom to eat his penis with, and then for that person to eat him.

Armin Meiwes eagerly replied to this ad, and they got together. For starters, they both dined on Brandes’s now severed penis, after which Meiwes killed Brandes by stabbing him several times in the neck, and then ate him. Gravy, anyone?

Death by computer games
Computer games have evolved dramatically since the days of the octopus-chomping Pacman. In fact, it is now possible for anyone to create a virtual character online, and interact with millions of other ‘people’ from around the world.

Throw in a couple of dragons, a massive sword and quest or two, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Just ask Lee Seung Seop of Korea, who is no longer with us.

This 28-year-old man died of dehydration and heart failure after a 50-hour straight session of World of Warcraft, a massive multiplayer online role-playing game. Throughout this period, he had very little water and practically no food, and eventually collapsed from exhaustion, dying shortly afterwards.

An online funeral was held for him, where more than 2000 players gathered at a memorial site, and observed a minute of virtual silence. There’s nothing more to say here.

Spontaneous human combustion
Everyone knows the story about the little old granny who somehow suddenly disintegrated into ashes on her rocking chair. And although there have been recorded cases, SHC still remains an unsubstantiated scientific hypothesis.

In 1951, Mary Hardy Reeser, aka ‘The Cinder Lady’, was reduced to nothing more than a smouldering pile of ash in her living room. All that remained of this unfortunate pensioner was her left foot (with slipper still attached), and her skull (which had apparently shrunk).

The most popular explanation for SHC is known as the ‘wick effect’, which states that once the body catches on fire, it has enough fat and combustible solids to be completely incinerated. In Mary’s case, it is believed that she passed out having taken sleeping pills – at the time she was smoking, set her blanket on fire, and eventually ignited herself.

Experiments have shown that a body can burn in this way for up to seven hours. Strangely, these fires are often so centralised that the surrounding furniture is hardly damaged by the flames. Ashes to ashes, huh?

The end is nigh
Although any of these freakish endings could happen to you, the chances are slim. Many of us will go out with little fuss, so no need to get paranoid about the end. Besides, it’ll be a difficult task indeed to top any of these deadly finales.


Monday, March 05, 2007

PartyPoker Pulls Out of France: Fears Norway, Netherlands as Well

The climate in Scandinavia and the Netherlands is not good right now for online poker. And France is definitely not good. While PartyPoker considers limited advertising exposure in the aforementioned countries, they were forced to pull out of France entirely this past week.

Mitch Garber, CEO of PartyPoker, decided the regulatory environment in France right now is way too unstable.

French authorities have called a number of Garber's colleagues in for interviews about the legality of their marketing operations in France, most notably the spam-heavy

Amid the uncertainty, an unidentified PartyGaming shareholder sold 123m shares on Monday - four days after the company told its marketing affiliates it was closing to French business overnight.

A message on PartyGaming's official affiliate web page said: "With effect from 23 February 2007, PartyGaming will no longer accept wagers from customers based in France. Customers resident in France or accessing our servers from France will no longer be able to access our real money gaming services ... They will be able to cash out their present balances if they wish."

PartyPoker was forced to leave the US market last October following the passage of a law that would make banking with online poker rooms difficult, though not impossible.

But unlike the US market, which represented approximately 80% of PartyPoker's business, Garber insisted that France was no more than 2%.

Despite leaving the US, PartyPoker has remained the second largest online poker site in the world, a testament to its growth over the past five years.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Your own private MySpace – in less than 10 minutes

San Francisco - A new internet company backed by Netscape Communications co-founder Marc Andreessen launched a free service that enables people to make their own social-networking websites.

After a brief shutdown to fix a glitch caused by "burning the midnight oil," began letting people use simple online tools to create their own websites in the spirit of Internet superstars MySpace or Facebook.

"Ning gives everyone the opportunity to create their own social network for anything," company chief executive Gina Bianchini said while demonstrating the streamlined website-building process in an online video.

Using templates and a guided step-by-step process, Bianchini designed a social networking website featuring pictures, video, e-mail and weblogs in less than ten minutes.

"All the social networks on Ning are internationalised and can be easily localised in any language," Bianchini said.

Advertising can be personalised
Creators can make websites public or members-only.

The service is free, but Ning reserves the right to post ads on people's websites.
"If you want to buy that right from us, you can," Bianchini said. "It's $19.99 a month to run your own ads."

Website creators could also pay premiums for personalised domain names or to increase available storage and bandwidth.

Ning chief technology officer Andreessen predicted that millions of social websites would blossom as people tailored online communities to church groups, sports, hobbies, films, games and other interests.

Ning said that users registered from 176 countries and more than 30 000 customised websites were built during a test period that preceded the formal launch.

Source: AFP