Just remembered that this week is Responsible Gaming Education Week. What a hoot.
So you have to be responsible when you play. Does that mean you shouldn't ride on you chair, for fear of falling over? Or only click your mouse a certain number of times per hour, for fear of developing severe mousefingeritis (similar to a tennis elbow - only much, much worse)?
Ok kids, so in light of this very serious cause, I've set up the following "Responsible Gaming" guidelines:
1. Never gamble on an empty stomach.
This is one of the most irresponsible things you can do. The rumblings of an empty stomach is very distracting, and could cost you your concentration and eventually lots of money.
2. Take regular bathroom breaks.
This will prevent you developing bladder failure and having to wear adult nappies at the age of 33.
3. Get up from your PC every now and then.
Probably the most difficult guideline to follow. Take a shower, go buy some fresh takeout (refer to guideline 1), get drunk with some friends - anything to just get the blood flowing again. Then you can skulk back to your PC and take on the world again.
However life-altering my guidelines are, there're people who take this much more seriously.
They've got their own ideas, and you can read about it here:
http://sev.prnewswire.com/gambling-casinos/20060807/DCM00807082006-1.htmlHope you have a very lucrative Responsible Gaming Education Week!